Donate today to help support The Black Man Lab in building leaders for tomorrow
Your support will help change the world

Your support will help change the world
Please Support the Black Man Lab in Building the Future
We offer ongoing programming that requires materials and coordination such as job readiness programs that includes Dress for Success, interviews, resume writing, etc. While we do get some grants but the grant monies do not cover the entire program expenses such as meals for evening workshops, resource materials, travel for speakers and for transportation to workshops, etc.
If you don't raise money from private donors, then you can't provide all of the extras needed to run the programming.
As a result of this..
Our young participants are provided with a much different view of what successful looks like in every interaction with the Black Man Lab.
Whether we are talking about and engaging in professional development or self-development, our young folks are now able to visualize whatever their dreams and aspirations may be because they are seeing it in the Black Man Lab.
In many cases our young people can better identify what their true passions are and work towards them rather than think they need to continue with the status quo of what they see as the only means of success.
While in many cases we used the arts as a means of attraction for the young people to get involved, what occurred was they were able to get educated on real world applications for success. Likewise, we were able to provide historical context, so they have a better understanding of the greatness that they are capable of.
Many of our youth are already moving into mentorship rolls with other young people getting involved with Black Man Lab.
The beauty of the Black Man Lab is that it provides an intergenerational learning environment and our young participants are immersed in every aspect of gaining a true understanding of what leadership looks like.
Without your support, none of this would be possible.
Can we count on you to give today to change even more lives?